Combining AutoItx3 with Visual Basic .NET to program a familiar attack macro for Knight Online

First of all, macro that I am talking about will work with screen resolution 1366×768.

Second, the picture below shows the layout of items in the knight online so that the macro will do right job. please arange items shown in the picture.

(click to see larger format)

Third, you should have at least bronze premium in order to summon a pet. Without premium you won’t get the result.

Here is the features of macro that we are going to make with VB .NET+AutoItx3.dll

You can download AutoItx3.dll from their own official website so I will not post here. if you know how to program with vb .net then you probably have MS Visual Studio. So I assume that you have required dll and the MS Visual Studio. Now features:

  1. Checkbox to keep the window on top of everthing
  2. Familiar auto attack
  3. Pressing HP and MP Pot automatically when it reaches to certain point
  4. Clicks town automatically if HP or MP pot finishes
  5. Another button to stop attack
  6. Character attack
  7. pressing HP and MP Pot automatically for character when it reaches to certain point
  8. Actions log listbox
  9. LightFeet pressing automatically
  10. and so on

here are the required controls:

3 buttons(btnFA, stopAll, btnCharAttack), 2 checkboxes(chkOnTop, chkLF), 3 Timers(LightFeet, CheckMob, CharAttack), 1 listbox(lstActions)

here is my layout:




on the next post I will post codes for each with explanations.

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